International Museum of Surgical Science

Suggested Price: $10.00

Only through the support of members and people like you can we achieve our goals and vision.

Please enter the whole-dollar cash value you wish to donate to the International College of Surgeons.


The International College of Surgeons (ICS) is a global organization dedicated to bringing together surgeons and surgical specialists of all nations, races, and creeds to promote surgical excellence for the benefit of all of mankind and to foster fellowship worldwide. ICS, by way of active participation among its global membership (fellows), supports its vision and mission in 5 major concentrations:

  1. International Meetings
  2. Humanitarian Surgery
  3. International Collaborations
  4. International Surgery Journal
  5. International Museum of Surgical Science

Only through the support of members and people like you can we achieve our goals and vision.

Please enter the whole-dollar cash value you wish to donate to the International College of Surgeons.


$5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $200, $500

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